Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your generosity during this holiday season! I hope everyone had a restful break and enjoyed your time with family and friends. We have a lot going on this month!
We will begin comprehesive exams on January 14. Students will be tested on material that has been covered in class. We will review all material before each test. The outlines for the exams are listed below. If there are any changes, I will let the class know and include it here.
Students must have sharpened pencils and a silent reading book with them each day. In Math, we will be reviewing all material covered so far this year to prepare for the comprehensive test. After the test, we will work on increasing fluency in adding and subtracting and learning mental math strategies to fluently add and subtract. In Science, we will continue working on Chapter 2 and discovering what traits offspring can get from their parents. In SS, we will continue Chapter 4 and discover why immigrants came to the US and how they changed the communities they settled in.
Important dates this month:
January 6 - School Resumes
January 8 - MAP testing begins
January 10 - Progress reports for Quarter 2
January 14-22 - Comprehensive exams (test outlines below)
January 17 - 12pm dismissal
January 20 - No School
January 24 - End of quarter 2
January 26- February 1 - Catholic Schools Week
January 31 - 12pm dismissal
If you have any questions on concerns, please reach out to me on Remind or email.
Mrs. Sciusco
Grade 3 Comprehensive Test Outlines
January 14- Religion- Study Chapter 1 and 2 notes. Know: 2 parts of the Bible, Mustard Seed story and what it teaches, Jesus calms the Sea story, and the difference between apostle and disciple January 15- ELA- Spelling Unit 13, Vocab Unit 5, Reading and writing you cannot study for January 16- Science- Chapter 2 Lessons 1-2 January 21- SS- Chapter 4 Lessons 1-3, and timeline notes January 22- Math- place value, rounding, expanded form, word form, all multiplication and division (including facts and word problems), area and perimeter
Grade 4 Comprehensive Test Outlines
January 16- Science- Chapter 2 Lessons 1-2 January 22- Math- place value, expanded form, word form, standard from, rounding, adding and subtracting larger numbers, all multiplying and dividing we have covered (including facts and word problems)