October Newsletter
7th grade October Newsletter
Dear Seventh Grade Parents,
I cannot believe how fast September flew by! We are all adjusting nicely to seventh grade. In math, students have been introduced to unit rates and proportions. We will continue to work on this and begin percents in the next couple of weeks. In science, we have been discussing photosynthesis and cell processes. Afterwards, we will begin learning about the body systems. Please continue to look on the school website for the daily homework and weekly test schedule. Remind your children to have a chapter book for silent reading. If you ever have any questions or issues, please email me at [email protected].
Here are the following important dates:
October 3 - Councilman David Carr Visit
October 4 - 9am School Mass and Progress Reports
October 6 - Clothing Drive
October 10 - Pizza Day and Pocketbook Bingo
October 11 - Half Day - 11:00 am Dismissal
October 14 - No School - Columbus Day
October 15 - Winter Uniforms Start/ 3:30 Confirmation practice at church
October 17 - Pretzel Day and HSA Meeting
October 18 - No School - Confirmation 9am
October 19 - Color Run
October 22 - No School - Teachers’ Conference
October 24 - Pizza Day
October 31 - Halloween - Trunk-or-Treat and Cupcake sale - $5 dress down to wear costumes
If you have not yet joined my Remind (text @edrivi to 81010), here is the information needed to do so. Looking forward to another great month with your children!
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mrs. Drivick