HW 10/8/24 1. ELA - Unit 5 Spelling Sentences (doc in GC) HW 10/7/24 1. ELA - IXL Reading Quiz
HW 10/3/24 1. Vocab - [1] complete p21; [2] STUDY for Unit 2 test TOMORROW!
HW 10/2/24 1. ELA - Vocab p. 22-23 2. SS - Study; TEST TOMORROW!
HW 10/1/24 1. SS - complete outline doc on GC (for test Thurs.) **We will review all of the correct answers tomorrow.**
HW 9/30/24
1. Vocab - review p18-19 word list and complete p.20 (synonyms and antonyms)
HW 9/26/24 1. ELA - complete IXL Quiz (on figurative language) - Go to Clever.com/in/adny, click "Quizzes" on top, and click "Start." 2. Spelling - Quiz on Unit 3 words tomorrow!
HW 9/25/24 1. ELA - Progress WB p.17-19 (read and answer #31-36 - Remember: 36 is a "short response." Write at least 3-5 sentences.)
HW 9/24/24 1. ELA - complete reading comp. quiz on IXL (Go to Clever, Click IXL, Click Quizzes on the top white tab, Start.) HW 9/23/24 1. ELA - Study for the WISH GIVER Test tomorrow! (Outline attached in ELA GC) 2. SS - complete review questions (Answer doc on SS GC)
HW 9/19/24 1. Vocab - [1] pg11 in WB; [2] TEST TOMORROW on Unit 1
HW 9/18/24 1. Vocab - WS on parts of speech
HW 9/17/24
1. Vocab - WB p. 10 (Synonyms and Antonyms)
2. SS - QUIZ TOMORROW (Ch. 1 Section 1)
HW 9/16/24 1. Vocab - Unit 1 Sentences #1-12 on ELA Doc
HW 9/12/24 1. ELA - Grammar WB pg. 7 2. Spelling Quiz TOMORROW on Unit 1 Word List
HW 9/11/24 1. SS - answer questions (COMPLETE SENTENCES) on Doc in SS GC 2. Spelling - quiz Friday on Unit 1 list (study spelling of words ONLY)
HW 9/10/24 1. ELA - Write Sentences for words #11-20 on doc in ELA Classroom
HW 9/9/24 1. ELA - [1] Write Sentences for words #1-10 on doc in ELA Classroom
9/5/24 - 9/6/24 WELCOME BACK!!!!! 1. Cover ALL paperback books with clear contact paper. 2. Bring in ALL summer work by Monday, or credit will be deducted!! 3. Make sure the S.S. Textbook has a Book Sock!
***Our TEST SCHEDULE is in a separate tab!! Please check it weekly for your upcoming tests/quizzes.